It disturbed her to hear this.
"Jiaxin Sports skills are good if she can't find a way, then send her to the Sports University:"
She was so horrified that she did not pay attention, and the painting fell from her hand. Hearing the fall, everyone turned back and found Jiaxin standing there. After a while, everyone sat together and started seducing her. She was just listening to them. Seeing such silence, her father got worried, and he asked them to leave. He sat near her and asked her to consider if she does not want to go, then don't go. If she wants to go to the sports university, then she can go there too. Two days before she responded to her dad, she went to meet her grandma. She felt a little lighter at her grandma's house. She asked Grandma just one thing.
"I don't know my goal, but I want to go there. Should I go there: Or should I accept the teacher's advice and join a sports university?"
she takes a sigh and said,
"Almost every successful person begins with two beliefs :
the future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so."
"Jiaxin, always remember that satisfaction is more important than success. If you choose the path you love, it will satisfy you with your decision. But choosing a path for success only leads to misery."
Grandma did not tell her clearly, but her words had hidden the truth to some extent. She left for home the next day,
With a smile on the face and a bright glow in her eyes. This time she knew well what to do and what not to do. She went home and told her parents the plan to go to Zheng Zhe University with a fearless look.
Seeing her like this, immediately he said yes. The next day both of them left. This was their first time going away like this. Her parents gave all the burden to protect her, take care of her to Cai Yasi. As if they had given the most expensive diamond to him.
The day finally came when they entered their dream university. Both get impressed by seeing the main door of the university. Just like they were coming in, the excitement kept growing.
Cai Yasi went to the registration office to register both's names. So he left Jia Xin alone. Jia Xin wandered around the university compound. When she came upon the cafeteria, she saw a group of girls bullying a boy.
At first, she felt it was not good to mess up on the very first day, but her grandma's teachings pulled her to the wreck.
She immediately walked up to them and told them to stop to save the bullied boy. Everyone started laughing at her.
Unexpectedly, while saving the boy, she hears people whispering about her being the first girl to stand up against those groups of girls. She soon realizes she has stood up against the most popular and beauty queen,
Li Shen and her gang. Fearlessly, she stood up against them and told them.
"Regardless of who you are, stop bullying because someday it will come back to you."
The beauty of the university smirked at her and left. But not without a warning that she was going to come back and would not let her off the hook. The boy got up, acknowledge her bravery, and introduced himself.
'Lu Yang'
"Hello! I am Chen Jiaxin! I am fresher here." she said.
"You're so brave, Jiaxin, you screwed Li Shen," he said, chuckling.
"I don't like anyone bullying a person," she said daringly.
"Hahaha! So, you felt she is bullying me! We talk like this since childhood."
"Childhood?" she said, awed.
"Yeah! Me and Li Shen are Childhood Best Friends"
"Oops! This grew into a big problem," she said elegantly.
Seeing the cuteness of Jiaxin, Yang's heart slowly started getting attracted to her.
"Jiaxin, don't know if someone told you or not, but your smile is so cute."
Jiaxin became a little embarrassed by his direct Compliment and came out of there pretending to have some work.
With that, Jia Xin had gained a new friend. Lu Yang seems very impressive to her until she met a boy that changes her completely.
She continued her exploration of the campus. When she arrived at one corridor, she saw a handsome boy running in her direction. Many girls were screaming and chasing after him. She felt as if she was in a movie where a handsome and sensuous guy was leaving all the beautiful ladies behind and coming towards her.
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