Sky's the Limit
By mheixccc
Date: April 26, 2021
Ch. 4Scandal

I grabbed his arm and her expression immediately softened.

"Lourd, chill. You know those people are just bugs who are thirsty for another gossip. "

I couldn’t help but agree as I thought. How deep my patience is, how shallow he is. Whatever issue is thrown at him, he will definitely blame it, especially if it is not true.

Before he's not like this, but as time goes on his patience gets shorter and shorter. I'm not easily shaken by the issues that comes my way.

As time goes by I learned how to manage my views and attention, I realized that was something that was important to me and I shouldn’t give to just anyone. I don't have time to waste them.

"Should we plan about your contract renewal?"

Lourd leaned over and toyed with his key on the table.

"Ava's not gonna do it so ..."

My eyes narrowed confusedly looking at him.

"What? Lourd, no. We haven't talked about this yet? I can manage on my own. You can just focus on yourself, to Lucy, to both of you!"

He squeezed his penis and that's when I knew I had to stop. Aunt Matilda just sneezed at the way it looked. She's aware, she's been taking care of it for a long time.

"We won't argue about this again Ava."


I could see from my side that he was still turning when I hit him. I don’t want to anger him but I also don’t want to obey him now.

Lucy set down a bowl of chips on the bed and opened the editorial magazine I had picked up earlier. I focused on doing my research on the internet, we are both lying on my bed now. He is staying here because my brother and I have a fight. That's kind of an automatic thing. But if they get along well, they will hardly be separated.

"Hmmm. Girl, I bet your hair is here."

From time to time she would leave a comment on every page that she would pass, I just laughed at her while bothering myself with finding articles for my research.

My phone beeped, I shouldn't pay attention to it because my social media accounts are always exploding but when I got a message there I turned around and sat down straight.

"Oh Woop! The fuck is wrong with you?"

I winced as I spilled the bowl of chips Lucy was eating.


I feel like he just stared at me and continued to turn the pages of the magazine.

Tita Matilda:

Cyreese Suarez! Check this.

My forehead frowned. What is wrong this time?

I clicked the link he gave me and it barely loads on my cellphone screen due to the successive explosion of my notifications on social media. What the hell is happening?

I was overwhelmed and amazed at what Lucy was doing.

There's this unknown nervousness and crazy beat inside my chest as I wait for the page to load. Is this something bad? Lucy sniffed when she saw I was an idiot.

She sat with me and leaned on my shoulder, his exact look at the screen of my cellphone was the appearance of an article from Aunt Matilda's message.

"What. The. Fuck !?"

Lucy shrieked out of horror for me. He seemed to utter the content of my mind, while I seemed to have my tongue cut out because of what I had read. Coldness dripped on my face, my soul seemed to escape me.

The door of my room popped and then my sister spat as if in a hurry because of the screaming Lucy made.

"What happened?"

"Scandal ?! Sex video? Really, Ava Cyreese Suarez?"

My mouth hanged open while gently shaking Lucy.

I can’t believe what I’m reading, i didn't stop looking at my phone wishing that i can also tell the whole world that I’m falsely accused.

"No! She's not coming back!"

Lucy grabbed my sister’s arm when it showed strong opposition to Aunt Matilda’s decision.

"Hijo, if you want to be obeyed ..."

She gripped his cellphone and threw it on the table. I swallowed the lump in my throat. What is this mess again?

"You answered the eternal call there on my phone!"

Lourd's lips parted and he stood up and turned his back on us. He rubbed his nape, suppressing anger. I found Lucy's confused eyes. I bit my lip.

"Lourd, maybe we should follow Aunt Matilda."

"And what? You’ll bite the bat of that issue? Coming back to the Philippines will just fuel the fire! You will just look defensive because you went back there to cover your name!"

My eyes begged him to calm down. He seemed to have a hard time seeing my eyes.

"She will not cover her name Lourd, she will come back to the Philippines because that is the company's order."

Even Matilda. I nodded in agreement.

He keeps on jumping into conclusions so he’s throwing a fight again..

"Babe you knew she needed to follow the company. Her contract hasn't ended yet." Lucy uttered calming her down.

"Then fucking end that contract!"

His voice thundered and I closed my eyes firmly there. My heart skipped a bit. Tita Matilda's phone that kept ringing made the situation worse.

"Can you hear yourself Lourd? Ava is one of the highest paid models today, she can't just make stupid decisions!"

Aunt Matilda grabbed his penis and picked up her phone to answer it. He got up and went to the kitchen.

"Lourd, I t-think I really need to go back."

He hopelessly shook his head. He put both his hands on the back of the sofa.

"What the fuck is that scandal Ava?"

"No! It's not me!"

Don't tell me he believed that?

"But I saw it! The posture and the hair as well as the shape of the body are just like you!"

My mouth hanged opened, so he really did think that was true?

"There's also this picture of you Ava with that guy, and it's really your face in the picture. It's dark but I can still see your face and you're wearing that gown you wore in -"

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