Lacy sat in the living room window seat in her apartment and looked out at the tree lined street. She sipped hot cocoa as she watched the pedestrians walking briskly to their apartments in hopes of avoiding the coming rain. She had arrived home about an hour ago because Tyler had insisted that she go home directly after lunch.
“You’ve put in enough late hours,” he’d said.
So she’d come home, changed into her pajamas and fed her white cat; Puff. She now sat with the sleeping cat in her lap and watched the heavy raindrops begin to fall. She thought about her lunch with Tyler. It had gone better than she’d expected. Tyler was a great conversationalist and she had relaxed in his presence. They’d talked about all kinds of things and she found herself laughing and teasing him. Lacy had a wicked sense of humor and it had emerged naturally in his company. He’d been a good sport about it and gave as good as he gotten. She didn’t remember the last time she had giggled so much. She’d felt happy when they had left the restaurant; an emotion she had not experienced in a very long time. Generally, she wasn’t unhappy but she wasn’t fulfilled either. Today at lunch, Tyler had made her feel content and special. And it was a good feeling.
She smiled as she placed her half-full cup on the floor. Closing her eyes she drifted into a light slumber. She was having a lovely dream about Tyler when the doorbell wakened her. She lifted Puff from her lap and set her on the thick red window seat cushion. She then padded to the door. She looked through the peephole and smiled as she opened the door.
“How did I know you would stop by?” Lacy chuckled.
“Girrrrl! I couldn’t get here fast enough,” Penny giggled.
Lacy laughed as she shut the door. Penny placed her umbrella in the can by the door and then took off her raincoat. Lacy took it and hung it in the closet.
“Oooh! It’s warm in here. Feels so good,” Penny sighed.
“There’s nothing like a warm house when it’s raining outside. Can I get you some hot chocolate?” Lacy asked.
“Mmm! Yes.”
Lacy went into the kitchen and made the warm drink then returned to give it to Penny.
“Let’s sit in the window,” Lacy suggested. “I was sitting here when you arrived.”
“Then you saw me charging up the walkway?” Penny grinned.
“Not really. I had dosed off,” Lacy smiled wanly.
“The rain will do it every time. So tell me; did you go out with Tyler?” Penny asked curiously. “Everyone was talking about you leaving with him.”
“He and I went to a late lunch. We’d been working all morning and he insisted that we go out. It was no big deal.”
“No big deal? Are you kidding? Tyler Sinclair never goes out with a female employee. He must really like you,” Penny exclaimed.
“I guess. But no more than any other employee. It was just lunch; not a date,” Lacy emphasized.
“I don’t know about that,” Penny said doubtfully. “He could have called to have lunch brought in. He didn’t have to take you out.”
“It was no big thing. Really it wasn’t,” Lacy insisted.
Penny looked unconvinced but let it go.
“What did you guys talk about?” Penny questioned excitedly.
“Everything. He’s so worldly and experienced. He’s been to so many places and his description made me feel as though I’d been there too,” Lacy recalled. “It was great talking to him. He was kind and considerate and made me feel as though I mattered.”
“You do matter, Lacy. And I’m glad that he made you realize that. He’s raised several notches on my belt for that behavior,” Penny said.
“Well, I think he’s top notch anyway,” Lacy said quietly.
Penny looked at her closely.
“You like him, don’t you?”
“Of course I do. He’s my boss; for the time being anyway,” Lacy replied.
“Not buying it, Lacy. It’s more than that. You really like him—romantically,” Penny insisted.
“No, I don’t. He’s my boss and I have no tender yearnings for him,” Lacy stated flatly.
Penny didn’t believe her. She knew Lacy really well; maybe better than she knew herself at times. And she could see the twinkle in her eyes when she spoke about Tyler. There was a glistening light in them that had never been there before. Lacy had been hurt very badly in her last relationship. It had pretty much steered her away from men completely. She wanted her to get back in the saddle of dating but she was concerned about her having feelings for Tyler. He was sophisticated and way more experienced than Lacy. How would he react when he realized that Lacy thought of him as more than a boss? Would he use her then toss her aside like yesterday’s news? She’d never thought of him as a callous person. But men could be a different beast regarding carnal satisfaction. The thought scared Penny. She was protective of Lacy and did not want to see her hurt.
“Well, we’ll see how things go,” Penny said neutrally.
Penny changed the topic and they chatted and laughed together as they always did.
“You’re here late.”
Tyler walked into Allen’s office and sat in a hunter green wingback cushioned chair in front of Allen’s cheery wood desk. He crossed his leg boy style and looked questioningly at his friend.
“I’m trying to tie up some loose ends before my trip,” Allen said.
“I want to thank you for giving Lacy to me. She’s fantastic,” Tyler said.
“I didn’t give her to you. She’s on loan to you until I get back. Remember that,” Allen chided.
Tyler grinned.
“We’ll see. She may not want to come back to you.”
“Not a chance. Lacy and I have a great relationship. She’ll come back,” Allen chuckled. He picked up a card and frowned as he read it.
Tyler noticed Allen’s dour expression.
“What’s the matter?” Tyler asked.
“The Brentwood Developers Reception. The event is this Saturday and I will be gone by then. Allen said. “Will you go? Larson Corporation should be represented.”
Allen tossed the invitation to Tyler who caught it deftly and perused the contents.
“Of course, even though these parties are not my thing. I hate these functions,” Tyler said.
“You just don’t like all of the attention you receive from the ladies,” Allen grinned.
“You mean the vultures. Those ladies are in attack mode when they see a man they want,” Tyler shuddered. “They make me want to hide in a utility closet until I can escape undetected.”
“Hiding in a closet is not representing Larson Corporation,” Allen chuckled.
“But it would save my hide,” Tyler grimaced.
“Why don’t you take a date? That should keep the women at bay.”
“This may make me sound conceited but there isn’t a woman I could go with who wouldn’t read more into the date than was there,” Tyler replied.
Allen laughed.
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