Maisako | Mar 29, 2024
The story follows Ilu, a young boy from northeastern Nigeria, immersed in traditional Islamic education at the tsangaya. Curious about western education, he befriends Musa, who introduces him to lessons taught by Mr. Abubakar. Ilu balances his clandestine learning with...
Introduces us to Kulu, a young girl living in the tranquil village of Bazumagi in Africa. Despite her humble beginnings, Kulu's thirst for knowledge and adventure propels her beyond the confines of her village. With the support of her family, she embarks on a journey...
Maisako | Mar 29, 2024
Bagi, a rabbit from the noble warrior family of Mayaki, sets out on a journey to find companionship and start a family. Despite facing challenges due to his lineage, Bagi falls in love with Gogo, the daughter of the kingdom's king. He competes against other suitors,...
Alana Dyer | Mar 2, 2024
Alone and with no memories prior to age six, Allison has spent the last fourteen years growing up in the slums of Zalaris, the capitol city of Nimairene. She has learned to steal and con the wealthy to survive, always getting away until one day her luck runs out and...
Bethel-Gold | Feb 28, 2024
Ifeoluwa finds herself wanting to prove her mum wrong by being successful in her business, furthering her education while still maintaining her values and cultures in the western world. * * * Ifeoluwa Tobiloba is being ridiculed by her mum and sisters when she went...
Bethel-Gold | Feb 28, 2024
Lily believes in GOD but feels disconnected from her faith and goes through the motions of attending church and reading the Bible. However, she meets with a homeless man named Joshua who seems to change everything. Despite his difficult circumstances, Joshua's...
Zicorn | Feb 27, 2024
She had a dream, but they crushed it. She had a talent, but they ignored it. She had a face, but they mocked it. Avery Montgomery was a trainee for five years, hoping to become an idol. But her agency dropped her, the media slandered her, and the public shunned her....
Oluba Elizabeth | Feb 26, 2024
Have you ever wondered why you just love and hate at the same time,you want so badly to squeeze life out of your rivals and oppressor's but we'll skip that.... This is the story of three individuals who get drawn into the dark side of romance,business worlds and family...
Lady A | Feb 26, 2024
In the lavish lifestyle of her billionaire father's estate, fashion icon Vivienne develops an unlikely friendship with Xavier, a transferee at their exclusive school who she takes for a rival. Their ill will turns into an unsaid bond, an irresistible attraction. It...
StarIntheNight | Jan 31, 2024
In a world teetering on the brink of darkness, Seraphina, a spirited and daring adventurer, takes matters into her own hands when Eris, the enigmatic Goddess of Chaos, steals the sacred Book of Serenity from Aquria. Despite the urgent need to recover the precious...