Callie is a kind and innocent young lady, but she has never had a partner in her life, and she is always looking for the solution to the question, "How to get hurt?" How does it feel to have your heart completely broken in two different places? Is it possible that the anguish of losing someone you love may be compared to the agony of being stabbed by a knife?
Callie's childhood was challenging because of the dysfunctional family dynamic in her family; during her youth, her parents argued practically every day, and it ultimately got to the point where her father assaulted her mother. Callie's childhood was terrible because of this. Because of this, Callie made a commitment to herself that she would find a spouse who was completely different from her father.
When he was in the second year of high school, he met a young man named Renzo who accelerated the rate at which his heart beat. Although Renzo did not have a particularly appealing appearance, he was well-known on his college campus for being both exceptionally intelligent and exceptionally wealthy. However, despite the fact that they are still in elementary school, they have already saw each other because the guy's mother is the girl's coach. This is the reason why they are already seeing one other. In passing, I should mention that Callie was a volley ball player from the time she was in elementary school until she was in secondary high school.
One day while they were both taking their lunch break, they found themselves sitting next to each other in the canteen, and this is where their conversation began.
The fact that Callie found what Renzo had said to be humorous prompted her to let out a hearty giggle, which in turn brought Renzo's attention to her. After observing that the guy was embarrassed, the young lady made the choice to ask her closest friend for Renzo's phone number so that she could apologize to him directly.
Renzo's closest confidant is Calli's buddy and fellow student, who also happens to be Renzo. Calli is Renzo's friend.
When Callie got back to her house, she immediately sent a message to Renzo, asking him to give her a call so that the two of them could talk about the way in which she had engaged with the other person.
Callie: Hello, my name is Callie, and I was one of the people that ate lunch with you earlier at the canteen. Your best friend and I were there together. I ask that you please accept my deepest apologies for the events that occurred before this one.
After what felt like an unimaginably long time, Renzo finally provided his reaction.
Renzo: It's okay, I was just surprised by the fact that you laughed out loud all of a sudden, you're so cute!
Callie did not reply because her only intention was to apologize; nevertheless, what she did not anticipate was receiving another message from Renzo the following morning. Callie did not expect to get that message. Callie didn't anticipate receiving another message from Renzo the following morning, so she was surprised when she did.
Renzo: How are you doing this beautiful morning? I hope you have an amazing day!
She is baffled as to why Renzo would text her in such a manner because she did not react to his most recent text message; hence, she is unsure as to why he would text her.
After this, Callie gave her response, which was "Thank you," and this marked the beginning of their frequent discussions by cell phone, which went right up to the point where they agreed to go on a date in the real world. After a time during which they spent time together chatting and dating outside, Renzo eventually confessed his feelings for her. During this time, they spent time together outside. Callie was taken aback, and in order to make an educated choice, she asked for some privacy so that she could collect her thoughts and get some perspective. She was aware, at least on some level, that she had feelings for the man; nonetheless, she requested for some time to figure out how she felt about him before she told him. November was the month in which they went out to hang out together, and it was around this time that Callie revealed her engagement to Renzo. Callie and Renzo are now engaged to be married.
Renzo embraced Callie with an enthusiastic bear embrace as he simultaneously showed his unending passion for her and reassured her that she would always be in good hands with him. Callie was greeted by Renzo with an enthusiastic bear embrace. They were in a good mood as they concluded the day and smiled as they went to their own houses.
Their collaboration was fruitful in every conceivable aspect. Callie was Renzo's first girlfriend, and he was Callie's first boyfriend. Neither of them has dated anybody else since. Both Callie and Renzo are in the beginning stages of their first romantic partnerships.
After going out together for a few months, they finally started to have problems in their relationship as a result of the numerous disputes that they had with one another. This was caused by the fact that they had so many disagreements with one another.
It is common rumor that Renzo is always accompanied by a new woman in the afternoon when he makes the journey back to his home. This is said to happen on a daily basis. Callie confronts Renzo, but the young man says that it's Zaila, so there's no reason for her to be concerned about anything that's happening.
Zaila, who is also a classmate of Callie's and Renzo's at their respective schools, is a person that the two of them know one other through. Because he felt relieved, he didn't give any further thought to the matter. Callie since he was aware that Zaila and he had known each other for a long time and that they had never been romantically involved with one another. In addition to this, Callie also knew that Zaila was in a relationship with another man. He did not give any further thought to Callie since he was aware that Zaila and he had never been in a relationship. In addition, he was aware that Zaila was dating someone else at the time.