Lord Of Darkness
By Ririe Anindya (Author)
Price: $1.00
Ebook: 1089 words
Product Description

Richard Ezra, a man respected by all. He is elegant in appearance, and has an incredible charisma about him. However, no one would think that he is a heartless mobster.

In the gang, Richard Ezra was known for his cunning in strategizing his illicit business trips. Everyone bowed to his power, wealth, and cleverness.

However, like a glass that has no contents, such is the description of his heart that has no special woman. To him, she was just a medium of exchange to get even more treasure, worthless.

But all that changed when Richard Ezra began to fall for a woman, while on the other hand his illicit business was in turmoil and trouble. He doesn't realize that loving this woman is a trap that will lead to the destruction of his life.

So, who is this woman? And what is her purpose in making Richard Ezra fall in love with her?

Product Details

Publisher: Rosymance
Publication Date: September 12, 2024
Language: English

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