Nowhere for Very Long: The Unexpected Road to an Unconventional Life

In this beautifully written, vividly detailed memoir, a young woman chronicles her adventures in an orange van named Bertha traveling across the deserts of the American West and reflects on her bold choice to live a big life.A woman defined by motion, Brianna Madia bought a beat-up van, filled it with her two dogs Bucket and Dagwood, and headed into the canyons of Utah on a journey of discovery. Nowhere for Very Long is her story of exploration--of the world outside and the spirit within. From the backroads to the breakdowns, it is the chronicle of a woman in the wild, learning and unlearning.Brianna knew her path would be different from an early age. Rejecting the competitive and capitalistic path set out before her, she chose to seek a truer version of happiness, a road scary, uncertain, and entirely her own. But pursing a life of intention wasn't easy--in fact, it was terribly difficult, boring, and lonely at times when the van overheated, when the weather was bitterly hot or cold, when she was worried about money and the future. But it was a life of her choosing and that made all the difference.Nowhere for Long isn't about extreme minimalism or tiny house living or #VanLife. It's about living a life with fierce intention, about cherishing the moment, about being a woman living a life true to herself.
Publisher: HarperOne
Publication Date: December 31, 1969
Pages: 304
Formats: Print